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QUARTER 1: BC to 1776:
In Unit One: Students will learn about our colonial heritage. North and South America were populated by Native American societies before Europeans arrived and began to colonize them. During the colonial period, Europeans came to the Americas to make new homes and gain wealth. Many people did so using slave labor from Africa. In the first several lessons, students will learn about the world before and after Columbus, and how the American colonies gained their independence. Students will learn after the Revolutionary War, much needed to be done in the new United States. The ideas of the Revolution had to be preserved in the country’s new government. During the first years of the United States, political leaders met and discussed the form that the government should take. In the first several lessons, students will learn about the creation of the Constitution and how that document affects us today. 

QUARTER 2: Federal Constitution
In Unit Two: Students will strictly focus on the study of the federal governments. Students will receive a federal and constitution workbook that is specifically designed to help them study about the government. The workbook was developed to prepare students for the federal constitution examination. The use of the federal Constitution workbook will also make students better citizens of this country through basic knowledge of the Constitution and government of the United States. 

QUARTER 3: 1776 to 1861:
In Unit Three: Students will learn that the United States continued to grow in size and wealth, experiencing revolutions in technology and business as did other parts of the world. During the earliest phases of expansion, regions of the United States developed differently from each other. 
Students will learn when compromise failed; the United States was divided by war. The American Civil War tested the strength of the bond between states. During the Civil War, Americans fought each other on the battlefield and in government. Ideas about slavery and sovereignty led many soldiers to fight. 

QUARTER 4 1861 to 1900:

In Unit Four: Students will learn that after the American Civil War, the United States began a process of building a new economy and political structure. Events in the rest of the world began affecting the nation more noticeably. During this period of expansion, the U.S. population spread across the continent. New immigrant and new technology began to change life in many parts of the country, especially in cities. As cities became more prosperous, people began to examine the inequalities in American society. A progressive spirit emerged that led to changes in American culture. 


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